
The Paradox of the Cross: A Star Wars Story

Some weeks ago, my attention was snagged by a title over at ScreenRant, Star Wars Hints at the True Purpose of Force Ghosts, which discussed why the phenomenon seemed only available to the Jedi and not the Sith. As I read with interest, these words stuck with me: “The...

Meet Graham

A couple years ago, we began collecting stray animals in our yard. It’s a rough part of the country. Raccoons and coyotes are common. So the terrier we found became our pet and now one of two Siamese cats, presumably abandoned. After long consideration of possible...

FAQ: Whose Geekdom is It, Anyway?

FAQ: Whose Geekdom is It, Anyway?

FAQ: Whose Geekdom is It, Anyway? Among those TGC fans for whom a simple pun must answer to the scrutinies of rational thought, many have asked: “What is the geekdom? Whose geekdom is it?" The answer is simply “all of it.” Yet it strikes me that this response will...

The Very Catholic Identity

The Very Catholic Identity

A century ago, if you had asked the random person on the street whether a man who occasionally referenced his rosary or was said by his representative to attend Mass “most Sundays” was “very Catholic,” you’d have been laughed at. After all, didn’t Irish-Americans come...

Life Lessons in Child Loss

Life Lessons in Child Loss

Trigger warning: child loss. Eleven months ago today, my family suffered the unspeakable tragedy of losing our 6th child, Margaret, to Down Syndrome. What we expected to be the joyous birth of — by all accounts — our healthy baby girl was in an instant turned into the...

In Praise of Timely Signs

In Praise of Timely Signs

Nearly a year ago, we lost our precious Margaret to unforeseen Down Syndrome in the early hours of what was, by our planning, to be her birthday. A week later, we returned her to the earth, her soul already having passed to the mercy of our God who calls the children...

The Fruit of the Resurrection

The Fruit of the Resurrection

Today’s Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours includes the prayer response “fructus resurrectionis tuae, Domine, nobis concede” — Grant us, O Lord, the fruit of your resurrection. When we consider the fruit of the resurrection, we may think immediately of the...

Upcoming Improvements

A huge thank you to the designers at The Sprout Studio for their hard work in designing this site for TGC. Post-launch, a few things have become apparent to me about improvements I didn’t request as part of the initial design. I’ll be making those soon and I just...


Here at TGC, we take very little seriously. That’s why we thought it might be important to spell out those things we do take with an abundance of seriousness. Please take a moment to read through the following statements. Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to...