Here at TGC, we take very little seriously.

That’s why we thought it might be important to spell out those things we do take with an abundance of seriousness. Please take a moment to read through the following statements.

Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to contact us. Note: Be aware we may feature your comments in a snarky response piece or cartoon.

Human Rights

Thy Geekdom Come‘s author, Micah Murphy, and its full-time staff of live-in cartoons believe that the fundamental human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because these values are so widely misunderstood, the following clarifications have been deemed necessary:


Every human person has the right to life from conception to natural death. TGC is 100% pro-life on abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, in-vitro fertilization. The right to life also includes the right to those things necessary for life: clean water, nutritious food, shelter, clothing, health care, coffee, and access to potable cartoons.


Authentic freedom means having the right to do as one ought, not necessarily as one wills. As such, liberty is directed toward the good. No one has any right to do those things opposed to divine law, natural law, or the common good. Nevertheless, those who do choose ways of life or specific acts at variance with these principles deserve — in keeping with the right to life above — to be treated with respect and love.

Except Jerry.


Happiness exists ultimately in cooperation with the Divine Will. To desire happiness for ourselves is to hand over our own will for God’s. To desire happiness for others is to entrust them to God and to image God’s love for them. TGC strives to be always charitable even toward those with whom we disagree, for the sake of our mutual happiness.

When it’s hard to desire your good for your own sake, don’t worry: we’ll do it for ours.


Never before in the history of the Church has so much been made of the theology of ecology. We answer Pope Francis’ challenge to practice responsible stewardship of the Earth with the following: we’re digital, baby!

Human Resources

All paid TGC employees will make just wages. We don’t provide benefits, 401k, or sick time. Just wages. (We also have no employees.)

Cartoon Rights

All TGC’s cartoons are 100% fair trade, organic characters, grown on sustainable family farms and fed a constant stream of vegan, gluten-free humor for your enjoyment.

Please express your enjoyment of their antics by supporting our efforts or we’ll have to recycle them in cooperating municipalities. (It involves a wood chipper, so really, please: support us.)

Strangely Necessary Legal Disclaimers

Due to the bizarre modern notion that every association or friendship implies total, mutual endorsement between the parties, it is necessary that I express the following:

The opinions expressed by Thy Geekdom Come on this site, on all its social media accounts, and in private correspondence do not reflect the views the author’s employers, advertisers, partners, spouse, kids, pets, diocese, barista, alma mater, handyman, next door neighbor, or web designer.